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CoverStory.Art gets real with Mile High Comics installation!

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

So it's official, I'm committed to this thing, and already having a great time! It does mean all that stuff I've been planning and thinking about, I gotta actually do now. And no, as my brothers asked, no, this won't be replacing my day job, nor is that the goal. May be a bit of a leap for folks, but this will actually support my day job, but that's for many other posts.

Today, is sorta "day 1" of CoverStory.Art, gratefully inspired by the folks that have inspired me for nearly 40 years. Mile High Comics is the comics wonderland where I've been going since I made my parents stop the van in Denver on our way to the mountains from the 'burbs of Chicago when I was of but single digit age.

Friday (September 24, 2021 for historical purposes), David and Mike warmly accepted the first thing I brought into Mile High Comics for them (besides $) in thanks for supporting my habits. They afforded it a place of honor where they "could look at it all day" (heart pitter-patter), with it's very own specifically-hammered-in nail. Right above the drinking fountain, by the cashier, at the entrance to World's Largest Comic Book Store!

Honestly, I wouldn't be more proud if it was installed in the Louvre. Plus, i get to see it every week (or more) when I add to my treasures and visit the precious gems I can't yet afford.

I know, it's a busy scene - on the lower left, above the drinking fountain, by the Coke machine... there it is!

My first "permanent" public/commercial art installation!

The BackStory - "Dollar Bin-spiration"

This isn't the first piece I created, the first comic for which I created a "Cover Story" - but it is the first "product" for CoverStory.Art, in that it was intended for eventual sale or at least, to be hung on walls other than my own.

That's because I happened to amass 25 copies of DC's "Adventures of Superman" number 511 (April, 1994) through diligent/lucky perusal of Mile High Comic's huge Dollar Bin.

"The Guardians of Metropolis"

This is an obviously impactful - explosive even - cover, featuring Superman (the hero) and Guardian - a lesser-known but prominent character in the DC Universe, likely to be featured in upcoming movies or TV, as a product of his relationship to Cadmus, the gene-blending clone factory.

A synopsis of the issue, "Collision Course" and more details is on Fandom for Adventures of Superman #511, and you can buy it (on sale!) from Mile High Comics.

The cover is obviously striking, with the radial motion and the abstract, voluminous cape - coming right for you!

Barry Kitson's rendering, Ray McCarthy's inks and the bold colors by Glenn Whitmore made book jump out of the bin. Oh SHIT i just realized a f-ing spelling error on his name - Glenn not Glen... sure do like web publishing for things like that... so i'll be REDOING ALL OF THEM... Dammit. Maybe I'll learn. Anyway. The scene set itself, and presented options for color variants and design treatments, but mostly, it's the hair, and the controversy surrounding it that sorta gives more to the backstory. Barry Kitson renders Superman on this cover in his iconic '90's (Not-A-Mullet!) long hair, I think made famous by Dan Jurgens, in the early 90's, that clearly has fans a-twitter, even recently.

It's meant to be a fun, light and broadly appealing piece, featuring (almost) everyone's hero and a super-pal, rushing to save Metropolis - hope it's a good start! Check out the (correctly spelled) creators on their social and professional sites, and visit CoverStory.Art, now on Facebook, Twitter, the 'Gram and maybe a 'con near you!

Actually, I will be at NYCC October 7-9, just being a fanboy to visit some of my favorite creators like Reilly Brown, Rob Liefeld, Chris Claremont, Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman and oh so many more. It's been great keeping up with them on social and many of their new avenues, like Donny and Ryan's KLC (Kids Love Chains) Press on Substack. I probably won't be dressing up, but will be masked... and not in the cool way, but in the way that keeps us alive and hopefully going to 'cons!

Thanks! I'll try to be brief as we go, which is not my strong suit. So please reach out to me if I have left any question unanswered for you! Cheers!

- Truman aka @truman3, Troo3, truman3, tesmond3 (professional), Troomin (gamertag), etc.

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